
Luther Campbell Becomes Asst. Coach At Miami Central High

Posted on November 27th, 2010

Describing Luther Campbell – better known as Uncle Luke from 2 Live Crew – as an admirable citizen may be a stretch for those who still associate him with his group’s explicit image or Supreme Court rebels. Yet,  Campbell has put that occupation to the back burner for one more inspiring. He is now an assistant football coach at Miami Central High School.

Campbell has traded his raunchy image for the assistant coaching position, where he coaches boys, both on and off the field.

“I’m happy and proud of what we accomplished but that part of my life is over,” Luke Campbell told the Bellingham Herald. “The entertainer – I left him on stage.”

In his role as an assistant coach at Miami Central, Luke stresses the need for teamwork, education and maintaining a positive attitude.

“I don’t tolerate cursing or the N-word,” Luke continued. “I tell them, ‘Don’t ever disrespect a girl because that makes you less than a man.’ And ‘Pick the girl who is responsible, not the one with Fs on her report card. Easy to get in, hard to get out. I’ve lived that life.'”

After being allowed to coach following several letters of support from area parents, community leaders, etc., “Uncle Luke” is already leave positive impacts on his players’ lives. Eighteen year old wide receiver C.J. Gaines stated stated he doesn’t view his coach as “a rapper,” but better yet as “a father.”

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