
Kardashian Sisters Sued For $75M Over Debit Card Line

Posted on January 10th, 2011

In lives that are essentially defined by press coverage, the Kardashian sisters are receiving some negative publicity. The trio of siblings are being sued for breach of contract by a credit card company that created their line of prepaid cards known as the “Kardashian Kards”. They were apparently contractually obliged to endorse the card, a matter that is going to be thoroughly disputed in the upcoming case. A whooping 75M is what the Revenue Resource Group, LLC are attempting to receive from the law suit. Why so much? And how did it come to this?

At the end of last year, Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal launched an investigation into the line of cards and the alleged “predatory” fees geared towards financially irresponsible young adults. The Kardashian sisters had supposedly been unaware of any of these fees. Many young people and even business entrepreneurs do not know some of the fees that come attached to credit cards, even when making a simple transaction. While many people are fully aware of this, some may need to educate themselves on the matter and can Learn about white label payment gateways here. In this case, the fees in which the Attorney General had been investigating had allegedly gone beyond what is to be normally and legally expected of a credit card.

When the sisters heard about this investigation and the fees involved they ended their endorsement of the card which according to the lawsuit allegedly cost the company over 75M in losses. Revenue LLC claims they lost out on the potential advertising power of the sisters via social media and scheduled appearances.

What will most likely be decided in court is if the sisters had the right to breach the contract on the grounds that illegal fees were in fact occurring. Revenue LLC will also have to prove that the Kardashians dropping their endorsement of the card was directly responsible for the multi-million losses they experienced. This will be a court case that will have many hanging on the edges of their seats.

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